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Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Data Collection and Analysis, Engagement, Interpretation, Management, Planning & Design, Quality Review | External Resource

Quick Reference Guides

The following is a collection of evaluation quick reference guides EvaluATE collected in collaboration with the evaluation community. Quick reference guides are practical reference or resource materials such as checklists, worksheets, templates, info-graphics, cheat sheets, or even a table or page in a book

None | External Resource

Get the Story Straight, and the Rest Will Follow: Developing infographics with a purpose

Too often, people begin developing infographics by playing with templates, images, and data visualizations. And who can blame them? It’s fun! But...

None | External Resource

Science Festival Alliance Infographic

This report is the culmination of a three-year National Science Foundation project. The Goodman Research Group was asked by their client to create a public-facing report, in contrast to a report for more internal use.

Planning & Design | External Resource

Evaluation of NSF ATE Program Research and Development

This document presents a framework for evaluating design and development research. It was created by Hezel and Associates, and incorporates the NSF Common Guidelines for Education Research and Development.

Communication, Dissemination, & Use of Results, Management | External Resource

Engineering Technology Pathways through High Schools, Community Colleges, and Industry Partners

This booklet contains summary findings from an evaluation of PathTech.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 0802245, 1204683, 1600992, and 1841783. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.