Evaluation: All the Funded ATE Proposals Are Doing It
This webinar will review the key elements of a winning evaluation plan and strategies for demonstrating to reviewers that evaluation is an integral part of your project, not an afterthought.
This webinar will review the key elements of a winning evaluation plan and strategies for demonstrating to reviewers that evaluation is an integral part of your project, not an afterthought.
Proposals for the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program are due October 5. If you are submitting a proposal, now...
Designing a rigorous and informative evaluation depends on communication with program staff to understand planned activities and how those activities relate to...
This guide includes advice on how to locate and select an external evaluator. It is not intended as a guide for developing an evaluation plan or contracting with an evaluator.
This template is for use in preparing the evaluation plan sections for proposals to the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program. It is based on the ATE Evaluation Planning Checklist, also developed by EvaluATE.
This template was created by EvaluATE. It is based on the National Science Foundation’s guidelines for preparing biographical sketches for senior project personnel. The information about what evaluators should include in Products and Synergistic Activities sections are EvaluATE’s suggestions, not NSF requirements. The biosketch must not exceed two pages.
In December of 2016, I presented a poster on a STEM-C education project at the Restore America’s Estuaries National Summit, co-hosted by...
This tool can help users to ensure that they have developed a viable plan for collecting all the data necessary to answer each evaluation question and that all data collected will serve a specific, intended purpose.
Having served as a project evaluator and as a project researcher, it is apparent to me how critical it is to have...