
Video 1: An Introduction to One-Page Report

We know, it’s yet another report. But we have found that the effort that goes into creating this accompanying one-pager really pays off!


Video 2: Building the Foundations

It may be tempting to jump straight to visuals when starting your one-page report, but we suggest starting with a solid foundation. Defining the scope and intentions for your one-page report is important in enhancing its power to communicate data to your readers.


Video 3 – Visual Strategies

Now that you have a good grasp on the content and scope of your one-page report, let’s talk about visual strategies!


Video 4 – Final Touches

It’s easy to want to be done and skip the last two steps. We are also excited to share our final creations! But these last two steps are crucial and worth the effort.

Nation Science Foundation Logo EvaluATE is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant numbers 0802245, 1204683, 1600992, and 1841783. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed on this site are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.